P C Cast’s Full Moon Beauty Empowerment Ritual


For #WelcomeToMyWorld P C Cast, author of the Goddess Summoning and House of Night series, has prepared a beauty empowerment ritual for us. The ritual can include pink champagne, and for P C Cast includes a crystal bowl that changed her life!


The full moon is a powerful time for completions and full circle moments.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to remind ourselves that we are beautiful and worthy of every bit of joy we can seize as we sound our barbaric yawps over the moon drenched rooftops of our world!

Begin your Beauty Empowerment Ritual on the evening of a full moon.  Decide upon a lovely beverage of your choice – my personal favorite this month will be a chilled glass of pink champagne.  Then gather what you’ll need:

  1. A special bowl. This vessel should not be plastic or metal.  Look for something unique, made of crystal/glass, pottery, porcelain, or wood.  It should have special meaning for you, or you should find it especially beautiful.  Example: The plot of my first novel, DIVINE BY MISTAKE, was inspired by the “accidental” purchase of an exquisite cut crystal bowl.  It was the winter of 1989, and I was super broke.  I went to an estate auction in the middle of a blizzard trying to snag a deal on furniture, and there was this amazing crystal bowl up for auction.  I was obsessed with it. But it was a luxury I really couldn’t afford, so I allowed myself to bid, but only up to $25.00 for it.  The bowl sold for over $300.00. I shrugged off my obsession and continue to bid on furniture deals.  Suddenly there was a flurry of activity around the auctioneer, and the beautiful crystal bowl was up for re-auction!  The buyer had discovered a hairline crack in the bottom of it that had not been disclosed, and rejected it.  When it went up for re-auction, I was the only bidder, and I got it for $2.50!  That bowl, and its flaw – which I find beautiful – inspired me to create the flawed urn Shannon Parker buys at an auction, which sends her on an adventure that changed her fictional life and my real one.  That is the bowl I’ve used for my rituals!
  2. A handful of fresh herbs or rose petals. Carefully choose your herb (or petals) as your choice will set your intention for your beauty ritual. If you want to focus on stress relief, choose lavender.  If you want to focus on rejuvenation and retrieving memories, choose rosemary.  If you’d like to focus on drawing love, choose rose petals.  If you simply need to purify and cleanse, choose basil.
  3. A pinch of sea salt.
  4. Clean, fresh, water – enough to cleanse and fill your bowl.
  5. A white candle you haven’t used for anything else.
  6. A small, clean towel.

Preparing for the ritual:

First, set your intention.  You are going to focus on empowering and reviving your inner – and outer – beauty, with intent.  Example: If you want to draw a lover, picture him or her, and think about all the beautiful traits you have that will draw your new lover to you.  Or if you simply need to relax, picture yourself in a place that brings you great comfort, and focus on that relaxed feeling of comfort.

Pour yourself a glass of your chosen beverage and sip away as you begin!

Wash your bowl carefully, first using the pinch of sea salt mixed with water.  Rinse your bowl thoroughly, and then dry gently.

The ritual!

Begin at sunset.  Choose a spot outside that catches a nice amount of moonlight.*  It needs to be a spot where you can leave your bowl for the entire night.

Fill your bowl with fresh water, and take it to your chosen spot.

Light your white candle and place it in front of your bowl.  Take a moment to meditate on your intention, and/or invoke the deity of your choice.

Take the fresh herbs or rose petals and gently rub them between your hands.  Breathe deeply – inhale the scent as you continue to focus on your intention.  And then allow them to fall into the bowl.  Use your fingers to mix them into the water.

When you are ready, blow out the candle and leave the bowl there to collect the magick light of the full moon.

As soon as you wake in the morning, go to your bowl, bringing your small towel with you.  Relight your candle.  Sit quietly for a moment, reminding yourself of your intention.  Then, use your fingers to part the moon soaked herbs/petals, so that you can see your reflection in the water. Using your hands, bathe your face in the water as you whisper this invocation.**


Sweet sliver moon lend your beauty to me

Wild and free with magick inspire

From within to without filled I shall be

Alight with moon drenched desire

Come to me moon magick delight

Through this vessel bathed in sacred light


Gently dry your face and pour the water and herbs/petals from your bowl in a circle around the base of your favorite tree.

Get ready to welcome gentle, loving magick into your day!

In P C Cast’s first book in the Goddess Summoning series, Goddess of the Sea, things get rather interesting for US Air Force sergeant Christine Canady after she recites a divine invocation to revive her humdrum life.






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*If you live in a place where you can’t safely leave your bowl outside all night, find a window that catches the light of the full moon and place your bowl there.

**You may always use an invocation of your own creation!