Jared, Tate and Madoc do Christmas . . . EXCLUSIVE CONTENT from Penelope Douglas


It’s Christmas morning, and Madoc and family have come over to Jared and Tate’s. But they’re still sleeping.


Tate: *groans* *still asleep*

Madoc: GET UP!!

Jared: *lifts head off pillow* I’m going to fuck him up. What time is it?

Tate: *moans, reaches over and cuddles* Ignore him. Come back here.

Jared: *lays back down

Madoc: Seriously!! I can’t believe you two are in bed when your 10 year old daughter is outside the house unsupervised!!

Jared: *pops head up again* What?!


Jared: *listening

Tate: *listening

Jared: Oh, shit! *scrambles, throws on jeans and races out of room

Jared: What the hell is she doing?

Madoc: I’m guessing she found her Christmas present early.

Jared: *swings open front door, sees Dylan and Hawke racing down snow-covered Fall Away Lane on their four-wheelers.

Madoc: You realize it was kind of stupid for you and Jax to get them the same thing, right?

Jared: Dylan!! Get off that thing now!

Dylan: *carries on racing as the snow falls

Madoc: *snorts* It’s okay. Mine hear white noise when I start yelling, too.

Jared: *throws on sweatshirt, shoes, and runs to the street

Jared: Dylan, now!

Dylan and Hawke pull up to curb. Hunter and Kade watching. Fallon and Tate come outside…

Dylan: I love it! It’s so much fun!

Jared: Yeah, you don’t have a helmet on. You haven’t been trained on it, and you’re on a city street. Get off now.

Dylan: Did you wear a helmet when you raced?

Jared: I didn’t race four-wheelers.

Dylan: Were you trained how to race? I thought you told Hawke that a little danger is good for you.

Jared: Hawke’s not my child.

Dylan: Is it because I’m a girl?

Jared: Jesus…

Dylan: And Mom told me that you and she raced all the way to Main—IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! IN CARS!

Jared: *cocks eyebrow at Tate*

Tate: *hides smile

Dylan: I’ll learn how to use it on my own. I don’t need help.

Jared: No, I…

Dylan: You can’t just take it away now that I’ve gotten a chance to ride it. If I have to come inside, I’m just going to stare at it through the window all day being unhappy.

Jared: Dylan, I–

Dylan: And I don’t want to be unhappy on Christmas. Come on, please? It’s so much fun. It’s going to ruin the whole day if you make me wait to ride it.

Jared: Don’t be dramatic. I—

Dylan: I’m not being dramatic! Do you call the boys dramatic?

Jared: I…I…

Tate: *laughing

Madoc: *making whipping sound

Dylan: Just twenty more minutes.

Hawke: An hour.

Dylan: Yeah, an hour. Then we’ll come inside!

Hunter: Hey, Dyl. Let me ride with you.

Dylan: Don’t call me Dyl, Dork.

Hunter: Fine. Let me ride with you. *walks to four-wheeler

Kade: *grabs him and pulls him away* You go be Hawke’s sissy. I’ll ride with Dylan.

Kade: *looks at Dylan* Scoot back. I’m driving.

Dylan: Fat chance. You want to ride with me, climb on behind. I’m driving.

Kade: *smirks, climbs on behind and then leans forward into Dylan’s back, placing his hands on the handlebars and pushing hers out of the way.

Dylan: Hey!

Kade: I always win. You know that by now. *speeds off, followed by Hawke and Hunter

Madoc: That’s my boy. You can’t learn skill like that.

Jared: *scowls and glares at Madoc

Madoc: Oh, come on. Things are going to get real interesting in a few years. She doesn’t stand a chance. You know that.

Jared: Shut up.


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