Sherwood Forest vs. Ancient Egypt – what will you pick?

Well, our debate for where Sammy Carter should go next – the tombs of Ancient Egypt, or Sherwood Forest at the time of Robin Hood – is certainly hotting up on Facebook; if you haven’t already let us know where you’d like Sammy to go, check it out here:

Not wanting to sway you, but two fans of the series in the Piatkus Fiction team have very definite ideas of where they’d like the next story to be set . . .

Dom – Ancient Egypt

If there’s one thing I like, it’s a rollicking, no-holds-barred tomb-raiding adventure. Maybe it’s from growing up on a healthy diet of The Mummy and Lara Croft, but for me there’s something irresistibly creepy about a sepulchral lair where anything is possible, and danger’s always lurking in the shadows. And if there’s one woman who can thrive in this kind of environment, it’s Sammy.

Throw one of the greatest love stories in history – that of Antony and Cleopatra – into the mix and I’m sold: that’s why I’d like to see Samantha Carter go back in time to kick some Ancient Egyptian vampire butt.

Anna – Sherwood Forest

I’ve always been a huge fan of Robin Hood, in fact the fox from the Disney version was my very first crush (oh stop looking disapproving, I know I’m not the only one). The brave band of rebels against the brilliantly evil Sheriff and false King – it’s a classic story I love in all its incarnations, from the surprisingly dark original book to pretty much everything about Kevin Costner vs Alan Rickman. I can’t wait to see Sammy in Sherwood and I think Tim could have so much fun within Robin Hood’s world. To be honest though, the most important reason that Sammy should go to Sherwood Forest is as follows: Harry + green tights. Enough said.


If you haven’t yet entered Sammy’s world, what are you waiting for? Follow the link below to download the first books in the Samantha Carter series.


Stay tuned for the results . . .