J. A. Redmerski Joins Piatkus!

We’re delighted to announce the acquisition of J. A. Redmerski’s stand-alone romance, THE MOMENT OF LETTING GO. Set in Hawaii, this is a sexy, delightful whirlwind of a romance that’s absolutely perfect to escape with this summer. J. A. Redmerski is the bestselling author of THE EDGE OF NEVER, and we’re so happy to welcome her to Piatkus!

J.A. has also picked out her very own book boyfriend, being as it’s so close to Valentine’s Day:

As far as my ‘book boyfriend’, I’d have to say that: “My number one book boyfriend is (and no one has yet to beat him for the spot) Alexander Barrington, more intimately known as ‘Shura’ from THE BRONZE HORSEMAN trilogy. Talk about swoon! Not only is Alexander a military man, but he’s super protective of the girl he loves and will fight to the ends of the Earth for her. He’s got that bad-boy vibe, but without being bad. He’s kind and compassionate, yet mouthy and sometimes infuriating! And did I mention he’s panty-melting sexy?”