Welcome to Entice, Penelope Douglas!

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Piatkus Entice are absolutely delighted to welcome the phenomenal Penelope Douglas! On June 5th, her bestselling romances Bully and Until You will be available from Entice. Together they have sold over 250,000 copies since 2013 and trust me, it’s for a good reason! Penelope’s writing is some of the most addictive we’ve ever come across – be prepared to lose yourself completely for a day . . .
Even more exciting, her brand new next book Rival will be available in August – stay tuned for more news, competitions and info for this fantastic author.
Penelope Douglas is a writer living in Las Vegas. Born in Dubuque, Iowa, she is the oldest of five children. Penelope attended the University of Northern Iowa, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, because her father told her to “just get the damn degree!” She then earned a Masters of Science in Education at Loyola University in New Orleans, because she HATED public administration. One night, she got tipsy and told the bouncer at the bar where she worked that his son was hot, and three years later she was married. To the son, not the bouncer. They have spawn, but just one. A daughter named Aydan. Penelope loves sweets, The Originals, and she shops at Target almost daily.