Eloisa James social media tip #1!
Historical romance superstar Eloisa James sat down with Entice to share some of her expert knowledge of social media, something that is becoming incredibly important in an age of online publicity and self-promotion (finalists, are you reading this?) . . .
Come back every day this week to see another tip or piece of advice from Eloisa!
These days social media is paramount to publishing survival. An author’s platform is practically as important as her writing ability. Thus I have a large Facebook page, with some 50,000 fans (https://www.facebook.com/eloisajames). I also have Pinterest boards, a Tumblr, and a Twitter account. I’ve heard some rumblings here in New York that suggest that publishers taking on new authors are looking for a Page with at least 5,000 fans. That’s not easy!
Maintaining a Facebook page is an art, but it’s an art that you need to command, given the market. Don’t reinvent the wheel—study how big Pages handle the traffic. Look at my page, or Julia Quinn’s (75,000 fans). Susan Elizabeth Phillips also has a terrific way of interacting with her fans.
My first tip would be to remember that you are not “you” when you’re on your Facebook Page. You are Joan the Author. Joan the Author doesn’t loathe her husband’s bad habits (though she may make fun of his inability to put socks in the hamper). Joan the Author’s kids don’t have serious problems, and neither does she. Here’s the hard part, though: Joan still has to be sincere and real. Pretend you’re talking to a girlfriend, over a glass of wine. What funny stories about your week might you tell her? If Joan has pets, use them ruthlessly: photos, stories, whatever.
Eloisa James‘s next tip will go up Tuesday at 9:30 am!