Six Days of Christmas: Phillipa Ashley

Christmas is just around the corner and today, in our fifth and penultimate author post, Phillipa Ashley invites us into her family festivities . . .
At Christmas, we go for the full-on, slightly mad family experience.
My daughter and both sets of parents all gather at our house. Everyone does their bit: I host the day, my mum gets the turkey, the in-laws do the veg and my husband orders the wine from Laithwaites.
The unofficial highlight of the day is the Table Present. My mum and I always buy a small gift for each person that goes on the dinner table after the main pressies have been opened. It can be a little luxury item, something witty, amusing or cute – but it has to be a big surprise. The Dad gifts are the best and the search for those goes on throughout the year.
I’ll let you into a secret: this year my Dad’s came from the Alcatraz souvenir shop. That’s the sort of family we are.
Happy Christmas!
Miranda’s Mount by Phillipa Ashley is available in Entice ebook now.