The Birth of a New Series aka The Birth of the Roman Brothers; Mark of the Vampire

The lovely Laura Wright gives us an insight into her Mark of the Vampire series . . .

I had actually intended for the first book in the Mark of the Vampire series, Eternal Hunger to be a category novel, and even pitched it to my wonderful editor at Harlequin with hopes we could do a trilogy for their Desire line. But something happened.

HE showed up in my mind.

Who is HE?

Lol…that would be the illustrious and sexually gifted ‘Breeding Male’.

For those of you who haven’t read Eternal Hunger yet, the Breeding Male is a vampire of purest blood who, many centuries ago, was taken by the rulers of the breed and genetically transformed into a ferocious, aggressive breeding machine. He is able to not only impregnate at will, but decide the sex of the child. This was very useful in times of war, when one sex or the other was being wiped out. The Breeding Male would be called upon to repopulate the species. Problem was, many of the females he mated with were forced to lay with him by their families (so that they wouldn’t run off to be with Impures – oh, the horror!). The Breeding Male became an animal, rutting with any female that crossed his path, and soon had to be caged and controlled.Okay, so this horribly awesome creature came into my head, and like a seed in the dirt, it sat there for a while getting water and fertilizers (aka questions – lots of questions). Like, who were the children of the Breeding Male, and the females who were forced to lay with him? When they became mothers, how did they treat their young? What was the family dynamic? Would these children run away from their home? Their communities? Would they themselves live in fear that one day they too would become a Breeding Male?

I knew this would be a big story with really dark histories and graphic love scenes, and I didn’t want to hold anything back. So I set out working on the world and the beginning chapters. I had (for starters) three sons of the Breeding Male, Purebloods and Impures living together in communities called credentis. I had those who escaped and started a life in the human world, I had a ruling class – and I had a threat of a villain who was going to force the rulers and the rebels to work together.

It became a world I was not only fascinated by, but one I wished I could enter. Well, for a few weeks anyway. Just so I could meet those Roman brothers face to face. Or should I say Fang to Fang.

What about you? Is there a world an author, or authors, has created that you’d love to jump into for a few weeks? It would be interesting to hear!

Eternal Blood, a novella by Laura Wright, is available from Piatkus Entice now. Eternal Hunger is available from Piatkus. To find out more about Piatkus visit