Eloisa James on eBooks and the importance of always having something to read

I love eBooks because they speak directly to one of my most primal fears:  that I’ll find myself somewhere—a plane, a broken elevator, a long line—without something to read.  Look around any subway car in New York City and you’ll see people pecking away maniacally on their phones like starving sparrows.  But I like to read far more than I like to answer email.

One thing that’s surprised me about my eReader is that it’s turned me into a packrat.  I buy beloved books that I already own.  It’s just too tempting to have all those covers lined up in orderly e-shelves.  My justification goes back to that primal fear:  What if I break my leg while vacationing in Corsica?  I would be stuck reading the Boy Books that crowd revolving stands of English language novels.

Do we have plans for Corsica? No.  But who cares?  I have the reading material to weather any number of disasters!

Except, perhaps, a catastrophic loss of electricity…

Winning the Wallflower by Eloisa James is available from Piatkus Entice now.