The Art of Asking

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‘Amanda Palmer joyfully shows a generation how to change their lives’ Caitlin Moran

‘To read Amanda Palmer’s remarkable memoir about asking and giving is to tumble headlong into her world’ Elizabeth Gilbert

‘The Art of Asking
is a book about cultivating trust and getting as close as possible to love, vulnerability, and connection. Uncomfortably close. Dangerously close. Beautifully close’ Brene Brown

Imagine standing on a box in the middle of a busy city, dressed as a white-faced bride, and silently using your eyes to ask people for money. Or touring Europe in a punk cabaret band, and finding a place to sleep each night by reaching out to strangers on Twitter. For Amanda Palmer, actions like these have gone beyond satisfying her basic needs for food and shelter – they’ve taught her how to turn strangers into friends, build communities, and discover her own giving impulses. And because she had learned how to ask, she was able to go to the world to ask for the money to make a new album and tour with it, and to raise over a million dollars in a month.

In the New York TImes bestseller The Art of Asking, Palmer expands upon her popular TED talk to reveal how ordinary people, those of us without thousands of Twitter followers and adoring fans, can use these same principles in our own lives.


This is the kind of book that makes you want to call the author up at midnight to whisper, 'My God. I thought I was the only one
Jenny Lawson, NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of LET’S PRETEND THIS NEVER HAPPENED
To read Amanda Palmer's remarkable memoir about asking and giving is to tumble headlong into her world. Immediately, you notice that her world is really different from yours and mine. Amanda's world is more open, more vulnerable, more fearless, more messy, more surprising, more dangerous, more rich with human encounters and exchanges at every imaginable level. At first, you find yourself thinking, "Goodness, what a crazy world that Amanda Palmer inhabits! How does she possibly endure it?" Then, gradually, as you read along, a doorway opens up in your heart, and you realize, "I want to live in a world exactly like hers". God willing, this book will show us all how to do it
Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of EAT, PRAY, LOVE
Amanda has a direct line with her audience - a lifeline for them and for her, the codependency all truly great performers surrender to . . . she's capable of anything, incapable of telling anything but the truth
Amanda Palmer joyfully shows a generation how to change their lives
Caitlin Moran, author of HOW TO BE A WOMAN and HOW TO BUILD A GIRL
Amanda Palmer's generous work of genius will change the way you think about connection, love and grace
Seth Godin
The Art of Asking is a book about cultivating trust and getting as close as possible to love, vulnerability, and connection. Uncomfortably close. Dangerously close. Beautifully close. And uncomfortably close is exactly where we need to be if we want to transform this culture of scarcity and fundamental distrust
From the foreword by Brene Brown, author of the bestselling DARING GREATLY
From this beautiful, heart wrenching story of art comes an incredible account of the nature and future of commerce - or one part, certainly the most important part, of that bit that's new. Here's a truth that someday the economists might begin to grok, but which meanwhile will define everything that's interesting about how art and culture will thrive
Lawrence Lessig, author of FREE CULTURE
A story about a life in one dollar bills, from statue to icon, where media doesn't matter, crowds do. Mandatory reading in the digital age, for aspiring artists and their doubtful parents
Nicholas Negroponte, Founder, MIT Media Lab